Welcome to Fishponder's HTFC Stats Webpage


This web site has been constructed using the official club records and details the first team fixtures upto the current day.

Improvements being considered are more detailed player biographies and match reports ...please be patient. In the meantime, if there are any details that you would like to see included in this web site then I'd like to hear from you and I'll see what I can do.

Standard Request

If you can help to correct any errors or typos that you may come across or to fill in any missing information then I'd like to hear from you.

Facts & Figures - Players

Alphabetical Index of Players

Facts & Figures - Games

Fixtures 2020-2023
Fixtures 2010-2019
Fixtures 2000-2009
Fixtures 1990-1999
Fixtures 1980-1989
Fixtures 1970-1979
Fixtures 1960-1969
Fixtures 1950-1959
Fixtures 1940-1949
Fixtures 1930-1939
Fixtures 1928-1929

Facts & Figures - Career

Player Career Statistics

Facts & Figures - Fixtures By Opponents

Alphabetical Index of Opponents

Facts & Figures - Fixtures By Competition

Alphabetical List of Competitions